Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blog #35


In this "youtube" video, Stephen Colbert was on C-SPAN and was basically bashing on President Bush right in front of President Bush himself. Stephen Colbert is already an influential person but to make fun of Bush right in front of the president himself is quite courageous. I feel like this video makes him more influential. Not only did he make fun of President Bush, Stephen Colbert was also making fun of controversial issues that are continuously debated in America. For example, he mentions religion in America, the Iraq War, the government in the Iraq War, and etc... After these little mentions about these issues, Stephen Colbert goes back to making fun of President Bush. He was saying that he sarcastically praising Bush for being adamant in where he stands no matter what situation is thrown at him like Hurricane Katrina. By Stephen Colbert doing this speech for C-SPAN, his not labeled unpatriotic but funny and smart. Stephen Colbert is obviously a huge influential person in America.

Blog #34

If you ignore the part "A hands-on guide to Internet tactics field-tested in the flight against building El Toro airport," and just concentrate on "Internet for Activists," I think it says a lot. Internet for Activists is pretty much true because so many activists are bloggers and such. For example terrorists are activists but just unpatriotic people. Terrorists have their own websites trying to promote themselves and gain public support. However, the government finds these websites to shut it down. During this presidential campaign, McCain, Clinton, and Obama all have websites to promote themselves and to try to get more contributions or donations. Now since the internet is widely used world-wide, more activists can try to get out his or her message to the world. The internet is powerful.

Blog #33

I find this comic picture really funny because it shows that the media is very influential. The media does not go off of what exactly happens in a situation or basically the absolute truth. The media goes off of what is favorable to them. For example, Fox News is going to make the republicans favorable in no matter what the situation is. CNN is more democratic and they will share their democratic views to the public. So when looking at this picture, it's really funny because after the media apologizes for not being a true journalist, the media says "Never Again" with a "Go Obama" pin. This shows that the media is so influential in politics and that the media is always biased. The media is not going to tell the public the absolute truth but they will tell you their point of view.

Blog #32

I find this picture kind of comical. I know this picture is a serious picture of Oprah showing her support for Obama and trying to convince people to vote for Obama for president. When I first saw this picture, I was thinking, is Oprah practicing her speech skills for the next presidential election? Is she going to run for president for the next presidential term after this year? Also another thing is that why does Oprah look a bit weird. That picture kind of scares me a bit. Anyways, Oprah seriously needs to stop polarizing votes. She needs to stop talking about Obama and encourage people to research about the presidential nominees and vote according to their policies.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Blog #31

I find this picture very inspiring. Inspiring in a way where, I know that Obama is going to get a lot more votes just because Oprah is publicly supporting Obama's campaign. Oprah has a lot of admirers and fans. She is even looked as an American icon. Obviously a lot more American citizens, may I mention that American citizens do not care about politics, are going to vote for Obama. A few may research Barack Obama to see why Oprah really likes him and what his policies are. But the rest of the Oprah population are just going to vote for Obama because obviously Oprah is going to vote for Obama. The media really polarizes the public and can influence people easily.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Blog #30

This comic strip is making fun of President George Bush. I believe that it is addressing the idea that President Bush is not informing the public about what he is really doing in Iraq or in his term at all. The critics and the media are trying to tell the public what is actually going on and President Bush is trying to tell the public what is going on in America that makes President Bush more favorable. The artist drew President Bush's head extremely big so it can either be that his an air head or he is just really into himself . I really like his clipboard because it is just satirizing what he got down during his presidency. The last thing listed on his clipboard writes "greeted with flowers" and is really funny because it shows that President Bush can not be taken seriously.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blog #29

I find this comic strip really interesting because of the fact that it is making fun of how people are so unaware of what is going on in politics. People are oblivious to what is going on in politics because of the fact that to most American citizens, politics is extremely boring and dry. It is actually shows like "Saturday Night Live," "Jay Leno," "David Letterman," and such, is where most American citizens get their source of political news. People just want to laugh and have fun but when they are being informed of what is going on in the politics like how C-SPAN presents it, people just being straight out uninterested. The bad thing about soft news is the fact that it is very biased and polarizes the way people think.