Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blog #34

If you ignore the part "A hands-on guide to Internet tactics field-tested in the flight against building El Toro airport," and just concentrate on "Internet for Activists," I think it says a lot. Internet for Activists is pretty much true because so many activists are bloggers and such. For example terrorists are activists but just unpatriotic people. Terrorists have their own websites trying to promote themselves and gain public support. However, the government finds these websites to shut it down. During this presidential campaign, McCain, Clinton, and Obama all have websites to promote themselves and to try to get more contributions or donations. Now since the internet is widely used world-wide, more activists can try to get out his or her message to the world. The internet is powerful.

1 comment:

Chris said...

It's rather frightening that terrorists basically have the internet at their fingertips to communicate their ideas to the whole world for anyone who's willing to listen. Pretty scary that you can end up on a terrorist website with just the click of a button.