Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blog #35


In this "youtube" video, Stephen Colbert was on C-SPAN and was basically bashing on President Bush right in front of President Bush himself. Stephen Colbert is already an influential person but to make fun of Bush right in front of the president himself is quite courageous. I feel like this video makes him more influential. Not only did he make fun of President Bush, Stephen Colbert was also making fun of controversial issues that are continuously debated in America. For example, he mentions religion in America, the Iraq War, the government in the Iraq War, and etc... After these little mentions about these issues, Stephen Colbert goes back to making fun of President Bush. He was saying that he sarcastically praising Bush for being adamant in where he stands no matter what situation is thrown at him like Hurricane Katrina. By Stephen Colbert doing this speech for C-SPAN, his not labeled unpatriotic but funny and smart. Stephen Colbert is obviously a huge influential person in America.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Stephen Colbert is probably about the only person who could ever get away with this haha. It would be funny to see him and Bush do a debate sometime.