Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blog #33

I find this comic picture really funny because it shows that the media is very influential. The media does not go off of what exactly happens in a situation or basically the absolute truth. The media goes off of what is favorable to them. For example, Fox News is going to make the republicans favorable in no matter what the situation is. CNN is more democratic and they will share their democratic views to the public. So when looking at this picture, it's really funny because after the media apologizes for not being a true journalist, the media says "Never Again" with a "Go Obama" pin. This shows that the media is so influential in politics and that the media is always biased. The media is not going to tell the public the absolute truth but they will tell you their point of view.

1 comment:

Chris said...

So true. MSNBC and Chris Matthews should declare themselves the official sponsors of Barack Obama's presidential campaign =P