Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Blog #35
In this "youtube" video, Stephen Colbert was on C-SPAN and was basically bashing on President Bush right in front of President Bush himself. Stephen Colbert is already an influential person but to make fun of Bush right in front of the president himself is quite courageous. I feel like this video makes him more influential. Not only did he make fun of President Bush, Stephen Colbert was also making fun of controversial issues that are continuously debated in America. For example, he mentions religion in America, the Iraq War, the government in the Iraq War, and etc... After these little mentions about these issues, Stephen Colbert goes back to making fun of President Bush. He was saying that he sarcastically praising Bush for being adamant in where he stands no matter what situation is thrown at him like Hurricane Katrina. By Stephen Colbert doing this speech for C-SPAN, his not labeled unpatriotic but funny and smart. Stephen Colbert is obviously a huge influential person in America.
Blog #34
Blog #33
Blog #32
I find this picture kind of comical. I know this picture is a serious picture of Oprah showing her support for Obama and trying to convince people to vote for Obama for president. When I first saw this picture, I was thinking, is Oprah practicing her speech skills for the next presidential election? Is she going to run for president for the next presidential term after this year? Also another thing is that why does Oprah look a bit weird. That picture kind of scares me a bit. Anyways, Oprah seriously needs to stop polarizing votes. She needs to stop talking about Obama and encourage people to research about the presidential nominees and vote according to their policies.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Blog #31
Friday, May 16, 2008
Blog #30
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Blog #29
I find this comic strip really interesting because of the fact that it is making fun of how people are so unaware of what is going on in politics. People are oblivious to what is going on in politics because of the fact that to most American citizens, politics is extremely boring and dry. It is actually shows like "Saturday Night Live," "Jay Leno," "David Letterman," and such, is where most American citizens get their source of political news. People just want to laugh and have fun but when they are being informed of what is going on in the politics like how C-SPAN presents it, people just being straight out uninterested. The bad thing about soft news is the fact that it is very biased and polarizes the way people think.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Blog #28
This comic strip is making fun of how the media truly effects politics. Obviously for anything, the president or anyone who is important in the White House has to have approval from the House of Congress. However, these people should have the support of these popular shows like Oprah, Larry King, Letterman, and Leno because of the fact that these shows can mold the public thinking. These soft news shows can polarize the voting process and really influence the public to vote or think a certain way. For example, Oprah is strongly and publicly supporting Barack Obama's campaign. There are probably so many other people who started to support Obama's campaign just because these people admire Oprah. So, this comic shows that the media can really influence politics.
Blog #27
Monday, May 12, 2008
Blog #26
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Blog #25
This comic strip is funny because it shows what influential political figures have achieved what. It seems like Barack Obama is really dominating the media in terms of celebrities and such. There were even rumors that the media was going to make a movie out of Obama's life. Then we have Al Gore. Al Gore is now most famous for winning an Oscar for a documentary about global warming. Then there is Hillary Clinton. When people think of Hillary Clinton, people automatically think of Bill Clinton. I feel like this comic strip represents how the people view political figures.
Blog #24
I find this comic quite funny. Basically America likes a president who people can have a beer with. In the picture, Barack Obama is being taught by Hillary Clinton how to drink a beer and not give off a feeling of being an elitist. This picture is probably in favor for Obama because Obama looks extremely tame and respected while on the other hand, Clinton looks like an average American. Clinton understands the notion of how American citizens like a president whom he or she can drink with. I remember her mentioning a lot about that during a couple of her interviews. This comic strip is showing how each of the Democratic candidates are trying to reach out to the public and to get votes.
Blog #23
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Blog #22
This picture is Bill Clinton in Hillary Clinton's body. I find this picture comical because of the fact that during this election year, people do question whether or not Bill Clinton is going to take a huge role if Hillary Clinton does win the presidential election. Another thing to mention is that Bill Clinton is helping his wife a lot for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
I find it funny that Hillary Clinton is trying to break away from her husband but at the same time is using him to promote Hillary Clinton's campaigning. Bill Clinton's presidential terms were extremely popular with the public. Besides that, this picture basically says it all when the public sees Hillary Clinton.
Blog #21
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Blog #20
In this youtube video, John Stewart is on the Letterman show. John Stewart is making fun of Bush of course and impersonating him. I find this video funny because of the fact that everything John Stewart was saying is true. When he impersonated President Bush like I, as in President Bush, is a decision maker and therefore I must make decisions. Comments like those are perfect targets for political comics to make fun of politicians. These kind of shows are basically soft news. This is where many Americans get their political news from. People do not look at newspapers, hard news, and etc... they look for shows that are funny. Sadly enough to say, soft news is where I get my main source of political news. I feel like people like John Stewart and David Letterman break complex situations down and are able to make fun of it. I think it goes back to the idea where people just want someone who is simple. For example, the idea that people want a president that they can have a beer with. These shows are just more interesting but can obviously sway votes or opinions to think a certain way.
Blog #19
I remember hearing that when you want to make conversation with someone that is not very close to you like a date, do not talk about politics. People who have strong opinions are willing to argue with other people with different views. These kind of conversations can last for so longs. Not only would political conversations last up to couple of hours, it also gets people heated up and frustrated. Especially if someone is going to talk about politics over dinner, don't think a person will have a delicious meal. There are so many different views, so many arguments, and so many problems with politics so might as well avoid these kind of conversations during dinner. Talking about politics and his or her opinions is just asking for problems.
Blog #18
Blog #17
Blog #16

Obviously this image is against the Clinton's campaign for president. Perhaps the artist of this image was unhappy about Bill Clinton's administration. I believe that if this is the case, then if Hillary Clinton is elected president then the artist wants her to do a better job then her husband. Also, in the comic, the response to the question, it seems that this artist probably thought that the Clinton's administration was questionable in his ethics. So if Hillary Clinton gets elected, the artist wants her to do a better job than her husband.
Blog #15
This image depicts what American citizens usually want in a President; which is a person who people can have a beer with. This idea that "Hillary Clinton is my Homegirl" shows that Clinton isn't an extraordinary or out of this world person who cannot relate to average American citizens. This advertisement can be extremely helpful to Clinton's campaign just because this is what people are looking for. Hillary Clinton looks so friendly in this picture that I would want her to my president.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Blog #14
This youtube video called "Barack Obama: Yes We Can" is an endorsement for people to vote for Barack Obama for President. In this video, a handful of A-list celebrities and other celebrities that aren't well known are promoting people to vote for Obama. Celebrities are key people to encourage average American citizens to vote. People ususally idolize people on the screen or radio and celebrities telling the general public to vote is a way to promote the importance of voting. This youtube video shows singers and actors coming together singing a speech that Obama had shared to the public in the past. Also because it is on youtube, it is extremely easy to access it from home. This shows the importance of internet to politics. Politicians can promote themselves and their policies easily in present day society because almost everyone in the United States can access the internet. Endorsements like these are extremely vital to presidential elections because it gets young voters to go out there and vote. However, the bad thing about this is that the purpose of voting for a president is whether or not people like the presidential nominee's policies. Voting according to a person's favorite actress or singer's favorite presidential nominee is not a smart way to vote and could end up detrimental.
Blog #13
The youtube video, "Letterman Top Ten George W. Bush Moments' Correspondents," makes fun of our current president. It demeans the president. Back in the day, people would put presidents on a pedestal and just be in awe of them. Now a days, especially Bush Jr.'s adminstration, American citizens see him as a joke. His unusal moments or Letterman's favorite moments, are what people are going to remember from Bush's adminstration; besides the Iraq War. President Bush Jr. does not get the same respect as other presidents in the past. Especially with the internet filled with Bush's embarrassing moments, it is hard for people to look at President Bush with the same respect as other presidents.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Blog #12
Monday, April 21, 2008
Blog #11

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Blog #10
This comic is really true. Blogs are suppose to be "personal" and by those weird looking finger things saying that "it's great that blogs make politicians more authentic" shows that many politicians utilize blogs for campaigning. But since there so many blogs out there on the internet, it starts to get really repetitive and annoying. There so many blogs out there on the internet, I feel like most people don't realize that the general public sometimes just doesn't care about how people feel and think.
Blog #9
In this youtube video, Hillary Clinton is talking about internet, politics, and blogs. She elaborates on how blogs and the internet is very influential in society. She also talks about "net neutrality." I don't really know what net neutrality is but it seems like Hillary Clinton favors the internet. Apparently democrats and progressives constantly battle each other by using blogs and the republicans just sit there and enjoy watching the democrats and the progressive battle it out. Bottom line is that blogs are extremely influential in America.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Blog #8
This youtube link is talking about how the internet is such a crucial way to communicate with the world. John Hood discusses how when politicians campaign, the internet is used. Blogs, youtube videos, and etc... are used to promote politicians and such. This youtube video just shows how much the internet is utilized in the media.
Blog #7
This picture shows how the internet is accessible to anyone. Also, it seems that many people replaced journals or diaries with blogs. People write anything in blogs; from politics to just talking about themselves. If it's so easy to write a blog, then it's just as easy to share anything a person wants with the world. This is related to politics because it just shows how people can look up political issues so easily. Also not only is it easy to look up but there are so many different opinions about certain issues that it can really sway the audience.
Blog #6
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Blog #5
This mural depicts the significance of the media when it comes to politics. This just shows that average American citizens heavily rely on television in terms of getting news. Looking closely at the mural, there are famous paintings (like the girl with the pearl earrings), presidents, and significant historical events. What makes this picture comical is that all of the little pictures on the mural is only known by television. American citizens have a tendency to believe everything they see on the T.V. and are basically brainwashed to believe and to think a certain why; how the media views the world.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Blog #4
Basically this youtube clip is about what Californians think of the media in their role in government. In the clip, generally, people believe that the media as crossed the boundary and that they have been way too influential in politics. I believe that this is true because the media is everywhere. The main source of news and politics for the average American is through either television, newspapers, blogs, internet, and etc... Every single of these are extremely bias. The media reports how the writer views certain policies or politics and they write it in a way that as if it was fact. The media has crossed the line. In a way, they are trying to brainwash American citizens to think or favor a certain way.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Blog #3

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Blog #2

Blog #1
This youtube video was actually quite hilarious and at the same time really embarrassing. Basically these three old ladies, obviously McCain fans, were trying to promote McCain for president. They remade "It's Raining Men," originally sung by the Weather Girls, to get people to vote or at least take interest in the Republican nominee, John McCain. This video is so ridiculous. The three ladies are unattractive and tone deaf. This youtube video was ridiculously amusing but after watching that video, that kind of made me go towards the democratic side.